Problem of the Month: August 2021

Go behind-the-scenes in an ACES classroom with our Problem of the Month! This August, try your hand at averages --- an important concept our students covered in summer programming. Once you've completed your calculations, scroll down to see the solution!

The Minnesota Twins played five games last week. Two games in a scheduled doubleheader each lasted 7 innings. Two games lasted 9 innings. The final game of the series was a real nail-biter, and ultimately lasted 13 innings!

On average, how many innings did the Twins play per game?


The average of a set of numbers is simply the sum of the numbers divided by the total number of values in the set.

The Twins played five games: two games with 7 innings, two games with 9 innings, and one game with 13 innings. The total number of innings played is 7 + 7 + 9 + 9 + 13 = 45 innings.

To calculate the average number of innings played per game, we divide the total number of innings by the total number of games: 45 innings ÷ 5 games = 9 innings per game.

On average, the Twins played 9 innings per game.

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