ACES volunteers step up at Back-To-School Community Cleanup!
ACES’s partner schools are getting ready to welcome students back to class for the 2022-23 school year – and there’s lots to do to prepare for their return! On Friday, August 26th, more than 30 ACES volunteers spent several hours at Global Arts Plus helping get the campus is top shape for students’ return.
Volunteers swept and dusted hallways and stairwells, washed windows and scrubbed bathroom tile, cleaned up around the school yard and neighboring park, and more. The event was conceived and led by ACES’s Associate Board young professionals committee. The Associate Board was joined by a fantastic group of volunteers from ACES community partner NBC Sports Next/SportsEngine and two athlete ambassadors from Minnesota United FC, forward Tani Oluwaseyi and midfielder Aziel Jackson.
We can’t thank the Associate Board, SportsEngine, and MNUFC enough for stepping up to support ACES and our students in this special way. This team truly cleaned up!