ACES Faces' Favorite Holiday Traditions

ACES Faces’ Favorite Holiday Traditions

by Jenn Schultz


One of the things that makes ACES special is the diversity of religion and ethnicity found among our students. While many of us are getting ready to spend Christmas with our families and friends, we wanted to share some of the holiday traditions our students are excited to celebrate this time of year!

“On Ethiopian Day, you and your friends go to someone else’s house to celebrate by eating traditional Ethiopian food and opening gifts.” - Leo, 7th grader, Global Arts Plus

“Every year, we go to midnight mass on Christmas Eve as a family.” - Enrique, 5th grader, and Camila, 4th grader, East Side Boys and Girls Club

“My favorite holiday tradition is getting a Christmas tree from the tree farm in Wisconsin.” - Jackson, 7th grader, Global Arts Plus

“I try to stay up all night on Christmas Eve so I can see Santa.” - Cortez, 5th grader, East Side Boys and Girls Club

“My favorite part is going to my grandparents’ house to celebrate as a family.” - Zoe, 6th grader, Global Arts Plus

“My favorite holiday tradition is taking gifts to the orphanage.” - Haven, 5th grader, East Side Boys and Girls Club

“I like opening all the Hanukkah presents and eating the traditional jelly doughnuts.” - Alex, 5th grader, Global Arts Plus

“I love getting together with family and eating chicken.” - Chris Shawn, 5th grader, East Side Boys and Girls Club

“My favorite holiday tradition is eating Christmas cookies.” - Liz, 8th grader, Global Arts Plus

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